Los Angeles Walks, making a difference in the Wilmington and San Pedro Area

Los Angeles Walks is a pedestrian advocacy non-profit that partnered with Wilmingtonand San Pedro families to organize the State of the Streets press conference for the WilmingtonCalles Seguras, Familias Sanas (Wilmington Safe Streets, Healthy Families) project. During this press conference, the recent graduates of the […]

Noise: More Than Just a Nuisance

Noise is all around you. Whether we like it or not, it occurs at all hours, day and night. All residents are exposed to some level of noise, but we never consider it to be an environmental impact that can even affect one’s health. Environmental noise pollution does just that, […]

Think Earth Helps Students Learn About Their Environments

This feature is part of an HCBF series highlighting the important work our partners do with the grants they receive. Environmental education is important. Kay Ice would know. As a curriculum developer who helped found Think Earth, Ice has spent much of her life ensuring […]

‘It Takes a Village’: Buddhist Tzu Chi Assists Port-impacted Communities During Pandemic

This feature is part of an HCBF series highlighting the important work our partners do with the grants they receive. Sabrina Ho works with her organization, the Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation (BCTF) to help others as a non profit organization. Although being an organization for […]