
As part of its founding mission, HCBF studies the impact of Port operations on the communities of Wilmington and San Pedro. We have completed a noise study of Wilmington, a San Pedro Noise Study, and a completed off-Port land use impact study of Wilmington and San Pedro. We have also compiled a list of free tools and resources to help you better understand the environmental and health landscape of San Pedro and Wilmington.

HCBF selected Raimi + Associates to complete a comprehensive off-Port land use impact study. The goal of the study was to understand the relationship between Port and Port-related land uses and various indicators of a healthy community in Wilmington and San Pedro, and to help HCBF and other community stakeholders identify unique opportunities for future community investment. On November 6, 2017 HCBF released the Harbor Community Off-Port Land Use Study. An overview of the Off-Port Impact Land Use Study was presented at the 2017 Moving Forward Network Conference. CLICK HERE to view the presentation slides.

Land Use Study Workshop

HCBF hosted a community workshop to share the study findings. We have shared a recording of the presentation (in both Spanish and English) and other resources from the workshop.
Click Here to View More >
HCBF hosted its first community workshop on Saturday, April 21st, 2018 at the Providence Little Wellness and Activity Center in Wilmington to share findings from the Harbor Community Off-Port Land Use Study. The workshop was facilitated by Beth Altshuler from Raimi + Associates who structured the presentation and group activity to align with the key chapters of the study report:
  • Public Health and Environmental Justice
  • Road and Rail Mobility, Safety and Infrastructure
  • Land Use
  • Hazardous and Polluting Land Uses
  • Access to Neighborhood Goods and Services
  • Employment and Real Estate
  • Recommendations and Next Steps
It is HCBF’s plan to host other events to share findings from the San Pedro and Wilmington Noise Studies in addition to the Land Use study. Due to limited capacity and resources at this time, we would like to share all the materials we developed for the workshop. Other organizations interested in hosting a workshop for their own community can view the recorded presentations and use the supplementary materials to facilitate the discussion.

Off-Port Land Use Study Workshop Resources Toolkit – Coming soon!



Group Activity Materials

Handouts Related to the Study

Miscellaneous Materials:

  • Sample Agenda (English or Spanish)
  • Evaluation Form (English & Spanish)
  • Sign-in Sheet (English & Spanish)
  • Child-care Sign-in Sheet (English & Spanish)

Comments & Feedback

We would love to get feedback from local partners. To provide comments, you can contact Meghan ( or Tamanna ( or submit your feedback online using this link, CLICK HERE. Please note that this page will be updated. If you have any suggestions or comments, please contact HCBF. Thank you!

Additional Resources

Fact Sheet (English & Spanish) Executive Summary (English or Spanish) Introduction (English or Spanish) Recommendation (English or Spanish) Pathway Diagrams (English or Spanish)

Next Steps

Here are some of HCBF’s near future plans for sharing the study: – Conduct more presentations – Create a Land Use Study Workshop Toolkit (in progress) – Share with local Counsel District and Planning Department – Share with local universities This list serves only as a first step in dissemination of the study. If you would like to provide suggestions, or if you have questions, please contact Meghan Reese ( or Tamanna Rahman ( Anyone who is organizing an event and/or would like a shortened presentation of the land use study, please contact HCBF for more information.

In 2012, HCBF commissioned a noise study in the community of Wilmington to assess and identify the noise impacts of the Port of Los Angeles and related operations. The San Pedro Noise Study is a follow up to the Wilmington Noise Study in order to ensure that equitable attention is given to both of the communities we serve.

The Jones Payne Group and Landrum & Brown conducted this assessment with the purpose of surveying the San Pedro community to determine areas, including schools and residences, which are potentially affected by noise from Port-related operations. You can view the study and a letter from the HCBF Board of Directors by clicking on the links below:

Letter from the HCBF Board of Directors

Port-Related Noise Impact Study for Community of San Pedro, California

HCBF has completed a four-part noise impact assessment in Wilmington to establish the zones of greatest noise impact from the TraPac terminal. The following reports are available to download:

Report #1: Noise Measurement
Report #2: Criteria and Prioritization Recommendations 
Report #3: Noise Contour Development Methodology 
Report #4: Property Inventory and Mitigation Recommendations